Forward provides business support to SMEs and is dedicated to developing foreign trade in the perspective of opening new international markets. It promises to promote consistently the products, the image of the Company and its brand.

The search for new markets is currently a strategic choice for many SMEs and the leverage factor for the expansion of the Company’s business has become the search for foreign markets penetration.
In line with the rest of Europe the SMEs that are transforming their business need support, tools and expertise to enter and compete effectively in the global market and to increase turnover and profits.

A relevant international network of contacts and dedicated resources, with language and business skills, allow us to increase the probability of success in finding prospects with different business objectives, in different businesses.
In this context of internationalization, we aim to support our Clients in the activities of promotion, public relations and development, making it possible to acquire new customers, manage your contacts in place and restore the old ones, without increasing fixed costs.

Promotion, web marketing, scouting, interpretation and support in fairs and congresses are currently among the most effective and immediate tools we intend to use to open your door on the international market.